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What is the Difference Between Yoga and Qigong?

Are you tired of those tiny colorful pills that your good doctor prescribes on every visit? You might be wishing to find some alternatives for standard medicine for many reasons which may include side effects, huge medical bills, and time spent on every visit to the hospital etc. Fortunately you can look forward to techniques like Yoga and Qigong that take you much near to nature and holistic health.

What is the Difference Between Yoga and Qigong?

Both the techniques concentrate on the improvement of individual's health by following certain movements and breathing regulations. To a new person they might look same, but both are evolved in different directions although their purpose essentially remains the same.

Read more: Taiji And Qigong

What Is Yoga?

Yoga has its origins in ancient India and has been in practice for centuries. Yoga essentially means to sum up or to combine. To put it in simpler words it implies to connect oneself with the inner soul. When one does so, inner peace is achieved. This health exercise is beneficial for nearly everyone irrespective of the age.

People who practice yoga sit or stand in a position as told by the person who guides them while on the other hand some people do it on their own with the help of books and other resources. Meditation, slow rhythm, and positive thinking are the basic building blocks of this therapy. Any human being irrespective of health status can enjoy the benefits of the yoga. In modern days Yoga has caught the fancy of many and has even found acceptance amongst celebrities.

Read more: Qi-Meridian-Acupressure: Ancient Medical Knowledge

What Is Qigong?

Samurai warriors and fighters who took part in swordfights in feudal china often needed something to calm their unfazed minds. In their quest to find a solution they stumbled upon the fact that the body of a human is the store house of energy. They explored various dimensions in which humans can direct their energy and unleash it.

This technique primarily stressed the rhythm of the breathing pattern. Further on, this technique was refined and remodeled after various qigong masters.

People who follow this therapy are guided to swing their body slowly and gently as if they are in a slow motion dance. Qigong masters believe that energy moves in our body and if we could tap it then health and strong body can be achieved.


At first sight there are chances that both Yoga and Qigong may appear strikingly similar. Though they are quite similar in terms of result achieved, but the means that are utilized are slightly different in both therapy. In yoga, the practitioners try to attain the state of bliss along with the health; whereas in qigong, only the composed body with a fresh mind is the desired goal.

Yoga has the strict discipline of posture but in qigong modifications have been reported after every decade. Yoga has many stems specifically called schools of thoughts that derive their practice from the ancient texts written in the Sanskrit. This seals the authenticity of the Yoga whereas qigong was handed down by displaying it. So over a period of time many irrelevant postures mingled with the original. However what remains equally true for both of them is the fact that they both are quite effective in curing numerous health ailments.

Read: How Does Qigong Work ?

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