Urgent: Monsanto And Bayer Are Moving To Create A Monopoly On Marijuana
You’ve heard of Monopoly, right? The fun little board game with fake money, little plastic houses, and get out of jail free cards? It’s a great way to pass the time. That is, depending on who you’re playing with.
But when it comes to real-life properties, business, and products, however, a monopoly becomes a whole lot more dangerous.
Two major companies, Monsanto and Bayer, have recently joined together and seem to be plotting to take over the cannabis industry. In other words, create a monopoly on marijuana.
Monsanto is an agricultural company that has been around for hundreds of years. In a nutshell, they provide farmers with genetically modified (GMO) seeds and crop pesticides. They easily hold the lead position in the corn and soy industries with their genetic engineering.
Bayer is a pharmaceutical company that has also been up and running for more than a century. Their main focus is to produce and sell medicine and healthcare products, however, they also have a foot firmly planted in the agricultural realm.
For years there have been rumors going around about Monsanto planning to take over the marijuana industry with genetic engineering. And because they already seem to have an extreme upper hand in other industries, the rumors seem to be coming closer and closer to reality.
Monsanto and Scotts Miracle-Gro have started working together and taking suspicious action that seems to point to a marijuana monopoly. One of Scott’s front groups has started buying out several major marijuana growing companies and attempted to buy many others. Monsanto definitely has their eye on the marijuana industry.
Bayer also made a recent business move to buy out Monsanto for $66 billion, so we know that these two companies are not only working together but are essentially one and the same.
So, now that Bayer and Monsanto are on the same team, they are able to share their production secrets with each other and grow together as a mutual business.
Both companies have information about genetically modifying crops, and Bayer is in a partnership with GW Pharmaceuticals, which grows proprietary marijuana genetics. So the way things are going, all things point to Bayer and Monsanto trying to get in on GMO marijuana.
Due to the corporate power of these two companies, if this monopoly were to occur, Monsanto and Bayer would likely gain complete and total control over marijuana for medicinal and recreational use. This doesn’t look good for medical users, or anyone else who is planning on getting into this industry.
Although it may seem too big a task to go up against these corporate giants, there are some simple things that you can do to fight back against this monopoly disaster!
1. Say No To GMO! Choose today to stop purchasing genetically engineered products. Buying organic, locally grown produce is the best way to go.
2. Don’t Support These Companies! Do your research before purchasing any product to make sure that you aren’t supporting any of these major businesses, or other companies that do business with them.
3. Stay Informed! Spread the word out to your friends, and keep an eye out for any new information on this and other similar issues so you can take action as soon as possible.
Monopoly is much more than a game! These companies are treading dangerous grounds, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t do your part to interfere. Take the right kind of action to prevent this dangerous monopoly at all costs.
Source: Healthy-holistic-living.com / Reference: Vimeo.com
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Thousands of quickly jotted marks fill encloses the cellar of Ian James' 7,800-square-foot reestablished Victorian home in the noteworthy Franklin Park neighborhood. James needs these names to win a place on Ohio's November tally for a measure to sanction restorative and recreational cannabis.
Be that as it may, the political advisor isn't simply assembling the marks. He thought of the thought for the measure. What's more, he selected a legal advisor to draft an established correction that would put Ohio's future weed showcase in the hands of just 10 producers — a game plan that commentators are calling an imposing business model.
In the mean time, he intends to pay his very own firm almost $6 million to run the battle.
In spite of the fact that James is an outrageous precedent, he's an individual from an a lot bigger and little-known class of experts that frame what could be called Ballot Measure Inc.: an incredible constituent modern complex subsidized by rich premiums that misrepresents the curious thought of "national popular government" that such endeavors are expected to speak to.
Dynamic in the 26 expresses that have native started vote measures, the system of surveyors, standard mail pros, legal advisors, experts, signature gatherers and casting a ballot information geniuses were paid at any rate $400 million for 85 statewide measures the nation over in 2014, as indicated by a Center for Public Integrity investigation of state records. In presidential race years, state and neighborhood measures are a billion-dollar industry, said vote activity master Dave McCuan.
The development of the business implies that regularly just those with cash can stand to get into the amusement. In some enormous states, for example, California, where political expert David Townsend assesses a dubious measure costs in any event $25 million to pass, paid mark gatherers are currently basically a necessity to get on the ticket.
Furthermore, this procedure of direct vote based system some of the time appears to straightforwardly profit just extraordinary interests, for example, the Native American clans who gave $107 million out of 2008 to win measures growing their opening machine activities in California; the agribusiness goliath Monsanto, which gave $10.7 million a year ago to square naming of hereditarily adjusted nourishments in Colorado and Oregon; or the plastics business, which is right now battling a plastic sack boycott in California.
"The procedure has been caught by interests," said McCuan, a Sonoma State University educator. "It's been professionalized. It's costly."
This has made a market loaded up with the guarantee of benefits for those ready to fill in as hired fighters for a reason — or even think of their own motivation. James isn't the just a single known to have done as such. The California lottery was broadly made by mark gatherers in 1984, and a Nevada political counseling firm thought of and effectively battled for hostile to association measures in various states, starting in 2010.
"The legit and most simple reaction is: I am will benefit from this," James told the Center for Public Integrity. "On the off chance that individuals are disturbed about me profiting, I don't comprehend what to state other than that that is a piece of the American procedure. To win and roll out this sort of improvement for social equity, it costs a great deal of cash."
James' drive has drawn impressive warmth. The measure would root the 10 weed development destinations to specific land bundles, which happen to be controlled by the puzzling organizations subsidizing the activity. They would work as Ohio's solitary discount providers of pot, pitching to isolate retail shops and philanthropic medicinal dispensaries.
James, a 49-year-old Ohio political veteran, has prevailing at this previously. In 2009, he influenced Ohioans to endorse four gambling clubs, likewise attached to specific plots of land. For Responsible Ohio, as his cannabis exertion is called, James wrangled together speculators who will bankroll a $20 million battle, soak in an extra $20 million to purchase the land and $300 million more to construct offices.
The speculators have contributed through restricted obligation partnerships with unclear names, for example, Verdure GCE LLC and NG Green Investments LLC, offering few pieces of information concerning who's behind them. Their sought after result? Ensured responsibility for discount maryjane advertise possibly worth more than $1 billion, as indicated by a plan to speculators laying out the Responsible Ohio battle spending plan and acquired by the Center for Public Integrity.
Simply off Interstate 71 in Franklin County, Ohio, a 19-section of land field on a two-path street will turn into a desert spring of legitimate pot if Responsible Ohio's measure passes.
The field's proprietor, Kenneth Campbell, said he marked an agreement early this year to take the plot off the market and give an obscure purchaser the restrictive ideal to buy the field before the finish of 2015. At the point when Campbell's name and plot of land begun appearing in news provides details regarding cannabis sanctioning, he was as astonished as anybody.
"Individuals saw my name," Campbell said. "They stated, 'Hello Ken, you're developing some pot!' And I stated, 'I am?' "
Around the state, no less than four different segments of land were saved similarly — to LLCs that paid for the selective appropriate to purchase the land before the year's over or right on time into 2016. Every one of the 10 arrive packages will be built into the state constitution should Responsible Ohio get its direction.
The Responsible Ohio crusade has trumpeted a portion of the financial specialists, including minor superstars, for example, Nick Lachey, previous 98 Degrees kid bander and ex of vocalist Jessica Simpson; form planner Nanette Lepore; and Arizona Cardinals guarded end Frostee Rucker. Others —, for example, Chicago speculator Ben Kovler and Dayton torment authority Dr. Suresh Gupta — must be found in the wake of burrowing through reports. These financial specialists declined or did not react to demands for input for this story. James said he's not a financial specialist.
Mindful Ohio speculator Alan Mooney, a lender who has some expertise in seaward companies, said the constrained arrangement of financial specialists would guarantee Ohio's cannabis showcase has the funding to get off the ground.
"I would prefer not to toss open the entryways as they did in California," he said. "I know a great deal of the road individuals, the flower children and stoners would love that. This has be proficient businessmen."
The pre-masterminded, constrained rundown of financial specialists doesn't sit well with a few Ohioans. Words, for example, "restraining infrastructure," "cartel" and "oligopoly" show up much of the time in commentators' discourses and daily paper segments.
Reacting to such concerns, some state administrators are chipping away at a counter tally measure that would square activities profiting just a little gathering. As legislators, they can allude a thing to the tally without social affair marks.
What's more, some long-lasting supporters of cannabis in Ohio are effectively contradicting Responsible Ohio, nearby enemy of medication activists.
"This is deplorable to me on numerous dimensions," said Marcie Seidel, an enemy of medication extremist who contradicts all types of authorization and heads Ohio's Drug Free Action Alliance. "This is essentially rich people, the 1 percent that we generally catch wind of, that are needing and asking us as Ohio natives to ensure in the constitution that they will influence millions more dollars so they to can turn out to be much more affluent."

You already know that each one of us is here in this lifetime for a reason.
So the question is - would you be interested in finding out more about YOUR reason?
It's all part of a new system my friend shared with me and I'm now sharing with you...
It's called the Cosmic Energy Profile and since it's customized, it gave me some unique perspectives on my destiny I hadn't received any where else, from any other coach.
Go ahead, get your Cosmic Energy Profile now, and then let me know what you discovered about your destiny.
Oh, and be sure to go all the way through it - there's more the deeper you go!
🔹 How to create a free energy generator that does not consume fuel. This is what Global petrodollar $cience doesn't teach us
🔹 Solutions to create safe food, an autonomous life towards a society that does not discriminate between rich and poor
🔹 Natural healing without drugs according to Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with modern acupuncture
🔹 A small strategy that guarantees your true freedom, or at least it is the first step to pave the way to supreme freedom.
But when it comes to real-life properties, business, and products, however, a monopoly becomes a whole lot more dangerous.
Two major companies, Monsanto and Bayer, have recently joined together and seem to be plotting to take over the cannabis industry. In other words, create a monopoly on marijuana.
What Is Monsanto?
Monsanto is an agricultural company that has been around for hundreds of years. In a nutshell, they provide farmers with genetically modified (GMO) seeds and crop pesticides. They easily hold the lead position in the corn and soy industries with their genetic engineering.
What Is Bayer?
Bayer is a pharmaceutical company that has also been up and running for more than a century. Their main focus is to produce and sell medicine and healthcare products, however, they also have a foot firmly planted in the agricultural realm.
How The Marijuana Monopoly Works
For years there have been rumors going around about Monsanto planning to take over the marijuana industry with genetic engineering. And because they already seem to have an extreme upper hand in other industries, the rumors seem to be coming closer and closer to reality.
Monsanto and Scotts Miracle-Gro have started working together and taking suspicious action that seems to point to a marijuana monopoly. One of Scott’s front groups has started buying out several major marijuana growing companies and attempted to buy many others. Monsanto definitely has their eye on the marijuana industry.
Bayer also made a recent business move to buy out Monsanto for $66 billion, so we know that these two companies are not only working together but are essentially one and the same.
So, now that Bayer and Monsanto are on the same team, they are able to share their production secrets with each other and grow together as a mutual business.
Both companies have information about genetically modifying crops, and Bayer is in a partnership with GW Pharmaceuticals, which grows proprietary marijuana genetics. So the way things are going, all things point to Bayer and Monsanto trying to get in on GMO marijuana.
Due to the corporate power of these two companies, if this monopoly were to occur, Monsanto and Bayer would likely gain complete and total control over marijuana for medicinal and recreational use. This doesn’t look good for medical users, or anyone else who is planning on getting into this industry.
What Can You Do?
Although it may seem too big a task to go up against these corporate giants, there are some simple things that you can do to fight back against this monopoly disaster!
1. Say No To GMO! Choose today to stop purchasing genetically engineered products. Buying organic, locally grown produce is the best way to go.
2. Don’t Support These Companies! Do your research before purchasing any product to make sure that you aren’t supporting any of these major businesses, or other companies that do business with them.
3. Stay Informed! Spread the word out to your friends, and keep an eye out for any new information on this and other similar issues so you can take action as soon as possible.
Monopoly is much more than a game! These companies are treading dangerous grounds, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t do your part to interfere. Take the right kind of action to prevent this dangerous monopoly at all costs.
Source: Healthy-holistic-living.com / Reference: Vimeo.com
How an Ohio Ballot Measure Could Create a Marijuana Monopoly
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Thousands of quickly jotted marks fill encloses the cellar of Ian James' 7,800-square-foot reestablished Victorian home in the noteworthy Franklin Park neighborhood. James needs these names to win a place on Ohio's November tally for a measure to sanction restorative and recreational cannabis.
Be that as it may, the political advisor isn't simply assembling the marks. He thought of the thought for the measure. What's more, he selected a legal advisor to draft an established correction that would put Ohio's future weed showcase in the hands of just 10 producers — a game plan that commentators are calling an imposing business model.
In the mean time, he intends to pay his very own firm almost $6 million to run the battle.
In spite of the fact that James is an outrageous precedent, he's an individual from an a lot bigger and little-known class of experts that frame what could be called Ballot Measure Inc.: an incredible constituent modern complex subsidized by rich premiums that misrepresents the curious thought of "national popular government" that such endeavors are expected to speak to.
Dynamic in the 26 expresses that have native started vote measures, the system of surveyors, standard mail pros, legal advisors, experts, signature gatherers and casting a ballot information geniuses were paid at any rate $400 million for 85 statewide measures the nation over in 2014, as indicated by a Center for Public Integrity investigation of state records. In presidential race years, state and neighborhood measures are a billion-dollar industry, said vote activity master Dave McCuan.
The development of the business implies that regularly just those with cash can stand to get into the amusement. In some enormous states, for example, California, where political expert David Townsend assesses a dubious measure costs in any event $25 million to pass, paid mark gatherers are currently basically a necessity to get on the ticket.
Furthermore, this procedure of direct vote based system some of the time appears to straightforwardly profit just extraordinary interests, for example, the Native American clans who gave $107 million out of 2008 to win measures growing their opening machine activities in California; the agribusiness goliath Monsanto, which gave $10.7 million a year ago to square naming of hereditarily adjusted nourishments in Colorado and Oregon; or the plastics business, which is right now battling a plastic sack boycott in California.
"The procedure has been caught by interests," said McCuan, a Sonoma State University educator. "It's been professionalized. It's costly."
This has made a market loaded up with the guarantee of benefits for those ready to fill in as hired fighters for a reason — or even think of their own motivation. James isn't the just a single known to have done as such. The California lottery was broadly made by mark gatherers in 1984, and a Nevada political counseling firm thought of and effectively battled for hostile to association measures in various states, starting in 2010.
"The legit and most simple reaction is: I am will benefit from this," James told the Center for Public Integrity. "On the off chance that individuals are disturbed about me profiting, I don't comprehend what to state other than that that is a piece of the American procedure. To win and roll out this sort of improvement for social equity, it costs a great deal of cash."
James' drive has drawn impressive warmth. The measure would root the 10 weed development destinations to specific land bundles, which happen to be controlled by the puzzling organizations subsidizing the activity. They would work as Ohio's solitary discount providers of pot, pitching to isolate retail shops and philanthropic medicinal dispensaries.
James, a 49-year-old Ohio political veteran, has prevailing at this previously. In 2009, he influenced Ohioans to endorse four gambling clubs, likewise attached to specific plots of land. For Responsible Ohio, as his cannabis exertion is called, James wrangled together speculators who will bankroll a $20 million battle, soak in an extra $20 million to purchase the land and $300 million more to construct offices.
The speculators have contributed through restricted obligation partnerships with unclear names, for example, Verdure GCE LLC and NG Green Investments LLC, offering few pieces of information concerning who's behind them. Their sought after result? Ensured responsibility for discount maryjane advertise possibly worth more than $1 billion, as indicated by a plan to speculators laying out the Responsible Ohio battle spending plan and acquired by the Center for Public Integrity.
Furthermore, when the measure passes, James said he intends to open a counseling organization helping dispatch pot retail locations.
Simply off Interstate 71 in Franklin County, Ohio, a 19-section of land field on a two-path street will turn into a desert spring of legitimate pot if Responsible Ohio's measure passes.
The field's proprietor, Kenneth Campbell, said he marked an agreement early this year to take the plot off the market and give an obscure purchaser the restrictive ideal to buy the field before the finish of 2015. At the point when Campbell's name and plot of land begun appearing in news provides details regarding cannabis sanctioning, he was as astonished as anybody.
"Individuals saw my name," Campbell said. "They stated, 'Hello Ken, you're developing some pot!' And I stated, 'I am?' "
Around the state, no less than four different segments of land were saved similarly — to LLCs that paid for the selective appropriate to purchase the land before the year's over or right on time into 2016. Every one of the 10 arrive packages will be built into the state constitution should Responsible Ohio get its direction.
The Responsible Ohio crusade has trumpeted a portion of the financial specialists, including minor superstars, for example, Nick Lachey, previous 98 Degrees kid bander and ex of vocalist Jessica Simpson; form planner Nanette Lepore; and Arizona Cardinals guarded end Frostee Rucker. Others —, for example, Chicago speculator Ben Kovler and Dayton torment authority Dr. Suresh Gupta — must be found in the wake of burrowing through reports. These financial specialists declined or did not react to demands for input for this story. James said he's not a financial specialist.
Mindful Ohio speculator Alan Mooney, a lender who has some expertise in seaward companies, said the constrained arrangement of financial specialists would guarantee Ohio's cannabis showcase has the funding to get off the ground.
"I would prefer not to toss open the entryways as they did in California," he said. "I know a great deal of the road individuals, the flower children and stoners would love that. This has be proficient businessmen."
The pre-masterminded, constrained rundown of financial specialists doesn't sit well with a few Ohioans. Words, for example, "restraining infrastructure," "cartel" and "oligopoly" show up much of the time in commentators' discourses and daily paper segments.
Reacting to such concerns, some state administrators are chipping away at a counter tally measure that would square activities profiting just a little gathering. As legislators, they can allude a thing to the tally without social affair marks.
Significant ace legitimization gatherings, for example, the Marijuana Policy Project and the Drug Policy Alliance additionally have removed themselves from the activity, in spite of supporting sanctioning measures in different states including Colorado, where the quantity of pot cultivators was not topped.
What's more, some long-lasting supporters of cannabis in Ohio are effectively contradicting Responsible Ohio, nearby enemy of medication activists.
"This is deplorable to me on numerous dimensions," said Marcie Seidel, an enemy of medication extremist who contradicts all types of authorization and heads Ohio's Drug Free Action Alliance. "This is essentially rich people, the 1 percent that we generally catch wind of, that are needing and asking us as Ohio natives to ensure in the constitution that they will influence millions more dollars so they to can turn out to be much more affluent."

You already know that each one of us is here in this lifetime for a reason.
So the question is - would you be interested in finding out more about YOUR reason?
It's all part of a new system my friend shared with me and I'm now sharing with you...
It's called the Cosmic Energy Profile and since it's customized, it gave me some unique perspectives on my destiny I hadn't received any where else, from any other coach.
Go ahead, get your Cosmic Energy Profile now, and then let me know what you discovered about your destiny.
Oh, and be sure to go all the way through it - there's more the deeper you go!
Important Proposal:
🔹 How to create a free energy generator that does not consume fuel. This is what Global petrodollar $cience doesn't teach us
🔹 Solutions to create safe food, an autonomous life towards a society that does not discriminate between rich and poor
🔹 Natural healing without drugs according to Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with modern acupuncture
🔹 A small strategy that guarantees your true freedom, or at least it is the first step to pave the way to supreme freedom.
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