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Reiki is the Magic YOU Can Do!

Do you find the title intriguing? The intention is not to intrigue but motivate and convince you that the magic of Reiki is within you.

Reiki is a benign energy that brings happiness and light into the lives of everyone who embraces it. It is an energy that can be harnessed to fulfill the little desires of life. Often the way Reiki works seems like magic.

Reiki asserts that the world is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Thought is energy and action is also energy. Every single object in the physical world is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Since energy cannot be destroyed, it remains in its current state until it is converted into other forms or reactions to form new energy vortices. Reiki gives you the power of conversion-the power of making the negative, positive.

However, Reiki energy, by itself, is neither positive nor negative. It corrects negative energy and stimulates the flow of positive energy. It releases blocks and enhances energy levels and makes dynamic all that is sluggish and diseased. Reiki is not a healing method alone it is also a method of developing yourself spiritually.

A number of meditations are taught while a person is initiated into Reiki. People who have been meditating earlier would find that they are able to attain the perfect state easily after Reiki initiation. Those who are new to meditation would find that with almost no ascetic practice they are able to enter the meditative state. They would also find that their relationship with God and the universe is being subtly altered and they are able to relate intensely with both animate and inanimate things.

A person who constantly uses Reiki to heal themselves and others will find that their thought processes are clearer, their memory is improving and that they have more energy for everything. The fundamental demand that the energy makes of us, is that we surrender to its intelligent power and allow it to guide us to the goals we desire.

Learn more: Chakra Activation System By Stephanie & Alvin 

Innovative uses of Reiki

Having said that let us examine how Reiki can be used innovatively to make our lives better.

A Reiki practitioner who met me during one of our discussion sessions told me of some strange ways in which she had used Reiki energy. She had gone with her family to a hill station. She has a little daughter aged four, who would eat her meals only if nursery rhymes are being played. As soon as the cassette player had been switched on preparatory to feeding her, she found that the batteries were dead and she had forgotten to bring fresh batteries. In desperation she decided to do Reiki to the batteries and charge them. Her husband laughed at her while she focused all her attention on energizing the batteries. After about fifteen minutes of doing Reiki she inserted the batteries into the player and lo behold, the batteries functioned normally for almost an hour. Her husband, who was a skeptic till then, became a believer. He enrolled for Reiki immediately on return from their holiday.

Plants and trees respond to Reiki, just as human beings do. Reiki enhances plant growth and increases their life energy. Start by doing Reiki at the roots to enhance their function of providing sustenance to the plant as a whole. When you intuitively understand that enough energy has been given move your hands to the stem. Hold your hands a few inches beyond the leaves and feel the energy flow. When plants have to be replanted, Reiki helps them take root easily. A friend who experienced the wonderful impact of Reiki on plants narrated the following episode to me.

She had several indoor plants in her drawing room and she was very fond of them. She would talk to them while she cleaned them and took them out for sunning. Suddenly she was called away from home to attend to her sick aunt. She left strict instructions with her maid to tend to the plants. When she returned after ten days, the maid was in tears. She said that she had taken care of the plants as directed but they seemed to be dying without reason. My friend was shocked and upset. She saw that most of the plant leaves had browned and fallen off. The plant itself was also drooping. In tears herself, she began talking to the plants and doing Reiki to them. She could not sleep all night and spent most of the night giving Reiki energy at repeated intervals. In the morning she dozed off and woke up hearing the exclamations of her maid. The plants had suddenly revived and had even sprouted fresh new leaves!

Fruits and vegetables respond to Reiki and remain fresh for a long time. The energy content in the food is enhanced and improves the health of the individual who ingests them. Though I have not tried it, colleagues who have tried it tell me that; Reiki improves the taste of sticky toffee! However, I can authoritatively state that you can increase the taste of food if you do Reiki to it while you cook.

Animals who are sick and distressed by injuries can be soothed and comforted by Reiki. Homes can be energized by thoroughly cleaning the rooms and drawing the first symbol of the second degree of Reiki in the four corners of the room. You can secure your home by visualizing a pyramid over it and drawing the power symbol on the four faces of the pyramid. You can do the same for your children or your family members who are leaving home for work or school.

A friend of mine who was accident-prone was extremely distressed when a series of accidents marred the best day of his life. He began the day by falling off his bed and slipped on the wet bathroom floor while bathing and banged his head on the sharp edge of the tub. While rushing to the hospital, his car skidded and he hit the meridian and ended up with a fractured arm. While setting his bone, the nurse accidentally pricked him with the hypodermic she was preparing. He rushed to my clinic straight from the hospital before the hospital fell on him! I gave him Reiki to reduce the pain of the fracture and quicken the healing. I asked him to visualize himself in the center of a colorful beach ball. I asked him to surround himself with giant power symbols and pray to the Reiki energy to protect him from accidents and negative energies for the next five days. He was so desperate that he went through the entire exercise sincerely. He did not have a single accident for the next five days. He was so elated that he rushed to the phone to ring me up on the sixth day babbling with joy. He promptly banged himself on the nearest chair and I was greeted with an "ouch!" as I picked up the phone. Needless to say, he promptly sat down to get his Reiki insurance for the next five days!

Reiki seems like magic to the uninitiated. My mother, my sisters and myself were residing in a rather crime prone area of a city during our teens. One pleasant evening we decided to visit the beach. We duly locked up our home and went to sit on the golden sand, located at a walking distance from our home. As the evening slipped into dusk and darkness, we decided that it was time to go home. We were also a little afraid of the loitering youth of the area. We returned together, chatting and laughing to keep up our courage. On reaching home we suddenly realized that the key to house was not with us. We were perturbed and a little desperate. We clung to each other as we made our way back to the beach in search of the key, which had fallen into the sand. The place was deserted and the street lamps were dim. We had almost no hope of finding the key in the vast sea of sand. My sister and I decided that we would try Reiki, while my mother and other sister kneeled down to pray to God. As we did Reiki, a passing car headlight caught on the tip of the key and it flashed brilliantly in the light. I quickly dug around the area and there was our key partly buried in the sand! We thanked both God and Reiki for the timely help that we had received!

One of my patients complained that people were constantly borrowing money from her and were not bothered to return it at the time specified. She was particularly angry with some people who had taken large sums from her a year ago and were avoiding her now. I advised her to place all these people in a pyramid filled with pink light of love and hold the thought that all of them were ringing her bell with the specific intention of returning her money. She agreed after a lot of persuasion and she sat with me at the clinic doing the exercise. After she returned home, she called me back excitedly to say that one of the persons she had placed in the pyramid had met her at her doorstep and had returned her money. He had also apologized for the delay in returning the same. The next few days were the most wonderful days of her life as every one of the persons who had borrowed money from her returned the sums with apologizes and thanks!

Learn more: Chakra Activation System By Stephanie & Alvin 

You can magnetize money by doing Reiki to it. 

Take a dollar or whatever currency your country has and do Reiki to it. Visualize in your mind that the money is attracting more money to it. Do this daily for a week or so and watch your money grow!

Reiki requires no testimonials other than those that you will provide for yourself. You can easily verify all the facts narrated above. Why don't you just for once put aside any secret doubts that you entertain and test out the efficacy of Reiki? Take a plant that it dying and revive it with Reiki. Do Reiki on a person or animal that you always considered hostile (you can do distance Reiki too). Try to find an object you have misplaced by focusing your attention on it and doing Reiki to it. Imagine yourself winning a prize and do Reiki to the image it brings to your mind. Make a Reiki Box and write your desires on a piece of paper and put it into the box. Do Reiki to the box everyday and enjoy the pleasure of having your wishes fulfilled!

Reiki is not a science that is confined to clinics and medical tables. It is something that can become a part of your everyday life and enrich it beyond your dreams! It is not witchcraft or dark magic. It is a proof of concept that the Universe is abundant and we have to only focus our energies and dip into the abundance for the fulfillment of our desires.

Learn more: Chakra Activation System By Stephanie & Alvin 

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