How To Reach The The 4th Level of Consciousness
Your consciousness is your ability to be aware of yourself and the world around you and to feel connected to it.
The strategy of assessment of the patient with an adjusted dimension of awareness can be partitioned into three stages. The first is to decide the dimension of cognizance itself. Second is assessment of the patient, hunting deliberately down indications with regards to the reason for the perplexity or unconsciousness. Third is the nearness or nonappearance of centrality of the turmoil, both regarding the dimension of brokenness inside the rostrocaudal neuraxis and particular inclusion of cortical or brainstem structures.
After the doctor ensures that no prompt dangerous crisis, for example, aviation route check or stun is available, the examination starts with perception of the patient. What is the situation of the patient? Does the patient have at least one limits situated in a surprising way, which may propose loss of motion or spasticity? Are the eyes opened or shut? Does the individual recognize your essence, or would he say he is or she unaware of it? On the off chance that the patient is alarm, recognizes the nearness of the inspector, appears to be very much situated to time and put and not befuddled on general addressing, at that point the dimension of awareness would be viewed as ordinary. In this way one can have an ordinary dimension of cognizance yet be of subnormal scholarly capacity, have a central neurologic deficiency, for example, an aphasia or hemiparesis, or show strange idea substance, for example, a schizophrenic patient may.
As the patient's name is brought in a typical manner of speaking or if, amid an endeavor at a straightforward discussion, it is noticed that the individual is confounded, lazy, or unconcerned, a strange dimension of awareness exists. People who react with acknowledgment when their name is called and don't slip by into rest when left undisturbed, can be said to be in a review I extreme lethargies. In the event that the modification in dimension of cognizance is more serious, with the goal that the individual breaches into rest when not bothered and is arousable just when a stick is tapped tenderly over the chest divider, the review of trance state is II. This class likewise incorporates the patient who is naturally confused, bellicose, and uncooperative (as can be seen in different conditions of inebriation), or in the youthful grown-up with tolerably extreme head damage.
In the event that such endeavors as calling the patient's name in a typical manner of speaking or pricking the skin over the chest divider delicately with a stick result in no reaction, the inspector must pick a more profound torment upgrade. My inclination is a squeeze or slight bit of the areola. Different choices incorporate sternal weight, which might be connected with the fisted knuckle, or pressing the nailbed. The slight periareolar wounding from redundant areola curving is significantly less tricky to the inevitably recouped patient than the incessantly excruciating subperiosteal or subungual drain from the last alternatives. By no means should one apply such an agonizing boost as water system of the ears with ice water until the point that the status of the intracranial weight is known. The patient's reaction to the profound torment boost is then noted. A patient who recoils and additionally endeavors to avert the profound agony improvement fittingly can be said to be in a review III trance state.
The profound agony boost may, in any case, result in anomalous postural reflexes, either one-sided or reciprocal. The two most normal are decorticate and decerebrate acting. In the two expresses, the lower limit shows augmentation at the knee and interior turn and plantar flexion at the lower leg. In decorticate posing, the furthest point is held adducted at the shoulder and flexed at the elbow, wrist, and metacarpal-phalangeal joints. In the decerebrate express, the furthest point is adducted at the shoulder and inflexibly broadened and inside pivoted at the elbow. In either case, the patient showing such acting to a profound agony boost is evaluated a review IV extreme lethargies. The patient who keeps up a condition of limp lethargy regardless of profound agony incitement is a review V trance like state.
When the dimension of awareness is resolved, a watchful check for insights with regards to the reason for the adjustment in dimension of cognizance ought to be attempted. In many occasions the history (which can be acquired from the patient or the individuals who go with him, or from accessible restorative records) is more important than is the examination. History isn't constantly accessible, be that as it may, and in all examples a watchful examination is justified. Fundamental signs may clearly propose disease, hypertension, stun, or expanded intracranial weight with bradycardia. Is there proof of injury to the head or somewhere else? Assess the scalp altogether for scraped areas or wounds, and if blood is seen, clarify it regardless of whether it implies shaving some portion of the scalp to do as such. Is there periorbital or retroauricular ecchymosis, or is there blood behind the tympanic film to recommend basilar skull crack? Is there papilledema or intraocular drain? Is the conjunctiva icteric, the liver developed, or does the patient have asterixis? Are the lips or nailbeds stained or pale to recommend iron deficiency or pneumonic brokenness? Is the neck firm—a notice of meningitis or subarachnoid drain. Is there anything to propose inebriation with medications or toxic substances, for example, an uncommon scent to the breath or body or pinpoint students?
The subsequent stage is to endeavor to limit the issue that is bringing about adjustment of awareness, first by attempting to restrict the brokenness to a dimension inside the rostrocaudal neuraxis and second via hunting down central pieces of information, for example, particular cranial nerve shortages, strange reflexes, or engine asymmetry.
The dimension of cognizance decides to a specific degree the dimension of useful unsettling influence inside the neuraxis. A patient who qualifies as a review I or II has cortical or diencephalic brokenness. The review III patient has physiologic brokenness over the midbrain. Review IV unconsciousness shows brokenness over the dimensions of the cerebral peduncles or pons, and with grade V trance like state the medulla might be all that is working. Perception of the example of breath may additionally bolster the inspector's impression of broken dimension (Table 57.3). Cheyne-Stokes breath implies inconvenience at or over the diencephalon; focal neurogenic hyperventilation (which is uncommon) focuses to trouble at the upper midbrain; apneustic breath recommends practical pontine shortfall; and an ataxic breathing example proposes dorso-average medullary brokenness. Perception of the rate, example, and profundity of breath over no less than a few minutes is important to report such adjustments. Like respiratory examples, the size and reactivity of the students can be utilized to substantiate further the dimension of brokenness inside the neuraxis (Table 57.4). Little receptive students recommend diencephalic restriction, much of the time on a metabolic premise. Expansive students that widen and contract naturally (hippus) yet don't respond to coordinate light upgrade recommend a tectal injury. Midposition settled students restrict to the midbrain. Two-sided pinpoint understudies are demonstrative of pontine inconvenience.

You already know that each one of us is here in this lifetime for a reason.
So the question is - would you be interested in finding out more about YOUR reason?
It's all part of a new system my friend shared with me and I'm now sharing with you...
It's called the Cosmic Energy Profile and since it's customized, it gave me some unique perspectives on my destiny I hadn't received any where else, from any other coach.
Go ahead, get your Cosmic Energy Profile now, and then let me know what you discovered about your destiny.
Oh, and be sure to go all the way through it - there's more the deeper you go!
Raising one’s consciousness while often used with specific spiritual connotation is becoming more aware and in tune with your life, having less misconceptions, false beliefs, and traumas running your life from behind the scenes.
But how does one measure consciousness? We are all conscious to some degree, and so are animals. Even trees have shown that they are conscious, even if not self-conscious. Many spiritual leaders say that absolutely everything that came from Earth has consciousness.
When it comes to people, there has been a great push towards raising the consciousness of society as a whole — and this evolution starts with each person individually.
Rev. Dr. Michael B. Beckwith, minister and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, grouped human consciousness awareness into four distinct stages. While it is possible, to be between any two stages, most people fall into one of these belief systems.
They are:
Life happens to you.
Life happens by you.
Life happens through you.
Life is you.
Level of Consciousness #1: Life Happens To You
Unless you were lucky enough to be born quite awakened, chances are we have all been there — feeling like the victim, feeling powerless, and blaming the world for everything that has ever happened without taking any personal responsibility.
A lot of people you know may still be stuck at this stage. When you feel like life is happening to you, suddenly everything is moving too fast around you and everyone is out to get you.
Bosses at work are ruining your peace, family members are being rude and selfish, friends are being flaky, and the government is the root of almost all of your other problems.
All of these are just stories people tells to themselves. They are not reality. It also leads to complaining and a pessimistic outlook on life. This attitude does not help, but only manifests more of what you do not want.
This is how many people get stuck on this level one consciousness, because their beliefs feed into the reality they do not want, thus confirming their false beliefs about life such as “life is unfair.”
Level of Consciousness #2: Life Happens By You
In many cases, a person eventually gets tired of constantly being the victim and begins to believe that life can be controlled by them. This is when the person rises to the second level of consciousness.
At this level you can take your power back, which is a good thing and a step forward. The downfall at this level is that a person can become controlling and greedy and begin to put others down—consciously or unconsciously.
This is where politicians, misogynistic men, radical religious groups, and all extremist groups re-enforcing an “us vs. them” mentality, are born.
Another level of negative control that can stem at this level is controlling yourself in a way that prevents you from being you. Instead, you are constantly hard on yourself and are pushing yourself too much. Making goals can be used as a control tactic at this level.
Even spiritually-driven individuals can get caught up in this level, thinking that it is possible to create any reality. While the statement is mostly true, gaining full control of reality separates you from the natural flow of life and other people’s wishes and freedoms.
Level of Consciousness #3: Life Happens Through You
Chances are the first two levels did not work out for you. Feeling like a victim and constantly trying to control everything both lead to burning out and unhappiness.
At this point you may be able to rise to the next level of consciousness where you believe that life happens through you. That means that you trust in life itself, and that everything that happens in life is meaningful and has a purpose.
When you achieve this level of understanding you should be able wake up each morning with feelings of peace, joy, and excitement for the new day and what it brings. You are no longer reactive to things that happen, neither are you trying to control every single part of your life.
Instead you are going with the flow and enjoying every moment while feeling immensely grateful for everything. You feel alive; you feel free; and you feel deeply connected to the universe.
To stay this present, each moment you can practice repeating to yourself what Ram Dass wrote:
“Where am I? Here. What time is it? Now.”
Level of Consciousness #4: Life Is You
“You are not in the universe; you are the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle.” — Eckhart Tolle
Once you have realized through level three that everything in your life flows, you open yourself to the possibility of reaching the top level of consciousness. This is the realization that life is you, and you are life.
You are not separate from anything around you. Nature, animals, people, and every experience anyone has ever had are all connected to you. You are experiencing life, and life in experiencing itself through you. And everything is perfect; everything is love.
This is the level of consciousness where you come home to the universe and fully enjoy the miracle that you are — and you just are.
This state of being is also known as being Enlightened, Self-Actualized, or being a No Limit Person. There is nothing specific that you need to do, achieve or have. All you have to do is trust the universe, and just be.
The strategy of assessment of the patient with an adjusted dimension of awareness can be partitioned into three stages. The first is to decide the dimension of cognizance itself. Second is assessment of the patient, hunting deliberately down indications with regards to the reason for the perplexity or unconsciousness. Third is the nearness or nonappearance of centrality of the turmoil, both regarding the dimension of brokenness inside the rostrocaudal neuraxis and particular inclusion of cortical or brainstem structures.
After the doctor ensures that no prompt dangerous crisis, for example, aviation route check or stun is available, the examination starts with perception of the patient. What is the situation of the patient? Does the patient have at least one limits situated in a surprising way, which may propose loss of motion or spasticity? Are the eyes opened or shut? Does the individual recognize your essence, or would he say he is or she unaware of it? On the off chance that the patient is alarm, recognizes the nearness of the inspector, appears to be very much situated to time and put and not befuddled on general addressing, at that point the dimension of awareness would be viewed as ordinary. In this way one can have an ordinary dimension of cognizance yet be of subnormal scholarly capacity, have a central neurologic deficiency, for example, an aphasia or hemiparesis, or show strange idea substance, for example, a schizophrenic patient may.
As the patient's name is brought in a typical manner of speaking or if, amid an endeavor at a straightforward discussion, it is noticed that the individual is confounded, lazy, or unconcerned, a strange dimension of awareness exists. People who react with acknowledgment when their name is called and don't slip by into rest when left undisturbed, can be said to be in a review I extreme lethargies. In the event that the modification in dimension of cognizance is more serious, with the goal that the individual breaches into rest when not bothered and is arousable just when a stick is tapped tenderly over the chest divider, the review of trance state is II. This class likewise incorporates the patient who is naturally confused, bellicose, and uncooperative (as can be seen in different conditions of inebriation), or in the youthful grown-up with tolerably extreme head damage.
In the event that such endeavors as calling the patient's name in a typical manner of speaking or pricking the skin over the chest divider delicately with a stick result in no reaction, the inspector must pick a more profound torment upgrade. My inclination is a squeeze or slight bit of the areola. Different choices incorporate sternal weight, which might be connected with the fisted knuckle, or pressing the nailbed. The slight periareolar wounding from redundant areola curving is significantly less tricky to the inevitably recouped patient than the incessantly excruciating subperiosteal or subungual drain from the last alternatives. By no means should one apply such an agonizing boost as water system of the ears with ice water until the point that the status of the intracranial weight is known. The patient's reaction to the profound torment boost is then noted. A patient who recoils and additionally endeavors to avert the profound agony improvement fittingly can be said to be in a review III trance state.
The profound agony boost may, in any case, result in anomalous postural reflexes, either one-sided or reciprocal. The two most normal are decorticate and decerebrate acting. In the two expresses, the lower limit shows augmentation at the knee and interior turn and plantar flexion at the lower leg. In decorticate posing, the furthest point is held adducted at the shoulder and flexed at the elbow, wrist, and metacarpal-phalangeal joints. In the decerebrate express, the furthest point is adducted at the shoulder and inflexibly broadened and inside pivoted at the elbow. In either case, the patient showing such acting to a profound agony boost is evaluated a review IV extreme lethargies. The patient who keeps up a condition of limp lethargy regardless of profound agony incitement is a review V trance like state.
When the dimension of awareness is resolved, a watchful check for insights with regards to the reason for the adjustment in dimension of cognizance ought to be attempted. In many occasions the history (which can be acquired from the patient or the individuals who go with him, or from accessible restorative records) is more important than is the examination. History isn't constantly accessible, be that as it may, and in all examples a watchful examination is justified. Fundamental signs may clearly propose disease, hypertension, stun, or expanded intracranial weight with bradycardia. Is there proof of injury to the head or somewhere else? Assess the scalp altogether for scraped areas or wounds, and if blood is seen, clarify it regardless of whether it implies shaving some portion of the scalp to do as such. Is there periorbital or retroauricular ecchymosis, or is there blood behind the tympanic film to recommend basilar skull crack? Is there papilledema or intraocular drain? Is the conjunctiva icteric, the liver developed, or does the patient have asterixis? Are the lips or nailbeds stained or pale to recommend iron deficiency or pneumonic brokenness? Is the neck firm—a notice of meningitis or subarachnoid drain. Is there anything to propose inebriation with medications or toxic substances, for example, an uncommon scent to the breath or body or pinpoint students?
The subsequent stage is to endeavor to limit the issue that is bringing about adjustment of awareness, first by attempting to restrict the brokenness to a dimension inside the rostrocaudal neuraxis and second via hunting down central pieces of information, for example, particular cranial nerve shortages, strange reflexes, or engine asymmetry.
The dimension of cognizance decides to a specific degree the dimension of useful unsettling influence inside the neuraxis. A patient who qualifies as a review I or II has cortical or diencephalic brokenness. The review III patient has physiologic brokenness over the midbrain. Review IV unconsciousness shows brokenness over the dimensions of the cerebral peduncles or pons, and with grade V trance like state the medulla might be all that is working. Perception of the example of breath may additionally bolster the inspector's impression of broken dimension (Table 57.3). Cheyne-Stokes breath implies inconvenience at or over the diencephalon; focal neurogenic hyperventilation (which is uncommon) focuses to trouble at the upper midbrain; apneustic breath recommends practical pontine shortfall; and an ataxic breathing example proposes dorso-average medullary brokenness. Perception of the rate, example, and profundity of breath over no less than a few minutes is important to report such adjustments. Like respiratory examples, the size and reactivity of the students can be utilized to substantiate further the dimension of brokenness inside the neuraxis (Table 57.4). Little receptive students recommend diencephalic restriction, much of the time on a metabolic premise. Expansive students that widen and contract naturally (hippus) yet don't respond to coordinate light upgrade recommend a tectal injury. Midposition settled students restrict to the midbrain. Two-sided pinpoint understudies are demonstrative of pontine inconvenience.

You already know that each one of us is here in this lifetime for a reason.
So the question is - would you be interested in finding out more about YOUR reason?
It's all part of a new system my friend shared with me and I'm now sharing with you...
It's called the Cosmic Energy Profile and since it's customized, it gave me some unique perspectives on my destiny I hadn't received any where else, from any other coach.
Go ahead, get your Cosmic Energy Profile now, and then let me know what you discovered about your destiny.
Oh, and be sure to go all the way through it - there's more the deeper you go!
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