Ex-Politician: The 'Illuminati' is REAL and Trying to Take Over the World
A FORMER politician sensationally claims the legendary Illuminati is REAL and secretly trying to run world affairs from behind the scenes.
Simon Parkes, a former Labour London borough councillor and town councillor for Whitby in North Yorkshire, is a signed up believer of the popular conspiracy theory.
by Jon Austin (excerpts)
As one of the world's biggest conspiracy theories, the Illuminati is said to be a secretive global elite which runs governments from behind the scenes and is planning to introduce a New World Order (#NWO).
Its key members are said to be drawn from Hollywood and world political and business leaders, with some even accusing its true leaders of being reptilian lizards from space.
Accusations vary in extremities from the simple implementation of the NWO as a goal at the least, to the Illuminati being a highly Satanic cult seeking to return the devil to earth. (...)
Mr Parkes, who runs his own website about his claims and takes part in alternative and paranormal conferences up and down the country, insists the Illuminati is real and attempting to be all powerful.
Mr Parkes even believes outlandish claims the Illuminati is a satanic sect that is seeking to return Satan to Earth.
Among his most outrageous claims are that he once led a group that stopped the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), opening a portal to another dimension that would have destroyed mankind, through "meditation."
He claimed "psychopathic" Illuminati members were hellbent on using the huge atom colliding machine in Geneva to open a vortex that would allow them complete control over all of us.
The LHC, run by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) at Geneva on the French-Swiss border, is the world’s largest and most powerful machine and used to collide particles at close to the speed of light in a bid to discover more about physics and the possibility of parallel universes.
The curious machine developed across a 16-mile ring of superconducting magnets has had critics before amid claims it could inadvertently create a black hole that may swallow up the world, but Mr Parkes' story is one of the strangest to date.
Mr Parkes, who has previously been a borough councillor in London and lectured at the Natural History Museum, claimed to have sources who made him aware of what was about to unfold, so he set about arranging a global "mind warp" to defeat the plan.
He said: "We couldn't just do nothing. There is much you could do without sticking your head above the parapet.
"A number of people who associate with me made me aware that someone had activated it in the early hours and placed Satanic black magicians, who were remotely viewing the installation on the inside."
Mr Parkes claimed his group sent a telepathic wave of "positive energy" which stopped the portal from completely opening and damaged the LHC.
He said: "All over the globe good people started to meditate for five to six minutes, after the meditation it failed again, but we did take some damage. One person lost hearing in an ear for three weeks and others had ringing in ears because there was an attack by those psychically protecting it."
Other than his word, there is, of course, no evidence that the LCH was used in any such attempt or that Mr Parkes and his group stopped it in its tracks.
Mr Parkes also said the failure of the LCH plan meant the cruel Illuminati leaders needed a new plot as there were just 200 of them left on Earth, after some of them had fled the planet.
He claims another twisted Illuminati plan is to secretly inject tiny identity microchips into people while they receive inoculations against diseases, so there is a global database of humans.
He said people with the chips could also be punished remotely by "mind blasts."
He said: "For 25 years it has been know the psychopaths want to kill half to a third of the population.
"But now they may not need to kill so many because of this device which is RFID injectable."
He claimed the chips, once implanted, could affect the neurone system.
He added: "This is how they are going to inject people and put a chip in their hand.
"If you went on a demo and got picked up they can penalise you electronically."
Mr Parkes joins the ranks of world famous conspiracy theorist David Icke, the former footballer and BBC1 Grandstand presenter, who came out as a so-called "truther" in the 1990s.
He describes the Illuminati as a cabal and the "Hidden Hand" in lectures across the globe.
However, before you decide to believe Mr Parkes or not about the Illuminati, it is worth knowing he also believes that several species of intelligent aliens are secretly living on Earth, and world leaders keep this secret from us.
Not long ago, Express.co.uk told how Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Minister of Defence, also claimed the Illuminati was real and preventing technology that could reduce climate change from being used because of investments in fossil fuels.
It's not simply government officials and pioneers in the United States who are reputed to be in the Illuminati. Various executives, sovereignty, worldwide authorities, and tyrants around the globe are additionally connected to the Cabal. The equivalent goes for amazing world pioneers from ongoing history, some of whom had their hands in the most damaging misdirection ever: World War II. With regards to world pioneers in the Illuminati, there are some from everywhere throughout the globe.
The world pioneers recorded here, over a significant time span, all have affirmed connections to the Illuminati, satanists, as well as reptile individuals outsiders. From Queen Elizabeth and other British sovereignty, to executives, Germany's chancellor, United Nations authorities, and even the Pope, there are remarkable legislators from all edges of the planet who very well might be included with the Illuminati.
Which world pioneers are Illuminati individuals? Read through the rundown beneath to discover who has been connected to the secretive, shadowy association, and why.

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Simon Parkes, a former Labour London borough councillor and town councillor for Whitby in North Yorkshire, is a signed up believer of the popular conspiracy theory.
by Jon Austin (excerpts)
As one of the world's biggest conspiracy theories, the Illuminati is said to be a secretive global elite which runs governments from behind the scenes and is planning to introduce a New World Order (#NWO).
Its key members are said to be drawn from Hollywood and world political and business leaders, with some even accusing its true leaders of being reptilian lizards from space.
Accusations vary in extremities from the simple implementation of the NWO as a goal at the least, to the Illuminati being a highly Satanic cult seeking to return the devil to earth. (...)
Mr Parkes, who runs his own website about his claims and takes part in alternative and paranormal conferences up and down the country, insists the Illuminati is real and attempting to be all powerful.
Mr Parkes even believes outlandish claims the Illuminati is a satanic sect that is seeking to return Satan to Earth.
Among his most outrageous claims are that he once led a group that stopped the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), opening a portal to another dimension that would have destroyed mankind, through "meditation."
He claimed "psychopathic" Illuminati members were hellbent on using the huge atom colliding machine in Geneva to open a vortex that would allow them complete control over all of us.
The LHC, run by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) at Geneva on the French-Swiss border, is the world’s largest and most powerful machine and used to collide particles at close to the speed of light in a bid to discover more about physics and the possibility of parallel universes.
The curious machine developed across a 16-mile ring of superconducting magnets has had critics before amid claims it could inadvertently create a black hole that may swallow up the world, but Mr Parkes' story is one of the strangest to date.
Mr Parkes, who has previously been a borough councillor in London and lectured at the Natural History Museum, claimed to have sources who made him aware of what was about to unfold, so he set about arranging a global "mind warp" to defeat the plan.
He said: "We couldn't just do nothing. There is much you could do without sticking your head above the parapet.
"A number of people who associate with me made me aware that someone had activated it in the early hours and placed Satanic black magicians, who were remotely viewing the installation on the inside."
Mr Parkes claimed his group sent a telepathic wave of "positive energy" which stopped the portal from completely opening and damaged the LHC.
He said: "All over the globe good people started to meditate for five to six minutes, after the meditation it failed again, but we did take some damage. One person lost hearing in an ear for three weeks and others had ringing in ears because there was an attack by those psychically protecting it."
Other than his word, there is, of course, no evidence that the LCH was used in any such attempt or that Mr Parkes and his group stopped it in its tracks.
Mr Parkes also said the failure of the LCH plan meant the cruel Illuminati leaders needed a new plot as there were just 200 of them left on Earth, after some of them had fled the planet.
He claims another twisted Illuminati plan is to secretly inject tiny identity microchips into people while they receive inoculations against diseases, so there is a global database of humans.
He said people with the chips could also be punished remotely by "mind blasts."
He said: "For 25 years it has been know the psychopaths want to kill half to a third of the population.
"But now they may not need to kill so many because of this device which is RFID injectable."
He claimed the chips, once implanted, could affect the neurone system.
He added: "This is how they are going to inject people and put a chip in their hand.
"If you went on a demo and got picked up they can penalise you electronically."
Mr Parkes joins the ranks of world famous conspiracy theorist David Icke, the former footballer and BBC1 Grandstand presenter, who came out as a so-called "truther" in the 1990s.
He describes the Illuminati as a cabal and the "Hidden Hand" in lectures across the globe.
However, before you decide to believe Mr Parkes or not about the Illuminati, it is worth knowing he also believes that several species of intelligent aliens are secretly living on Earth, and world leaders keep this secret from us.
Not long ago, Express.co.uk told how Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Minister of Defence, also claimed the Illuminati was real and preventing technology that could reduce climate change from being used because of investments in fossil fuels.
World Leaders (Allegedly) In The Illuminati
It's not simply government officials and pioneers in the United States who are reputed to be in the Illuminati. Various executives, sovereignty, worldwide authorities, and tyrants around the globe are additionally connected to the Cabal. The equivalent goes for amazing world pioneers from ongoing history, some of whom had their hands in the most damaging misdirection ever: World War II. With regards to world pioneers in the Illuminati, there are some from everywhere throughout the globe.
The world pioneers recorded here, over a significant time span, all have affirmed connections to the Illuminati, satanists, as well as reptile individuals outsiders. From Queen Elizabeth and other British sovereignty, to executives, Germany's chancellor, United Nations authorities, and even the Pope, there are remarkable legislators from all edges of the planet who very well might be included with the Illuminati.
Which world pioneers are Illuminati individuals? Read through the rundown beneath to discover who has been connected to the secretive, shadowy association, and why.

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