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Special Qigong Program: Chi Power Plus and The Enjoy Qigong

Below I will evaluate two special qigong programs. Although books on the Amazon market or other sites have a lot.

Brief about Chi Power Plus and The Enjoy Qigong

Chi Power Plus

Chi Power Plus

Chi Power Plus will give you so much information about this field that you’ll be amazed to know. More or less they are all unique contents making it easier for you to score up your game fast. Remember this is the same course as the professionals take so to be fully prepared for any kind of hardships.

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All the methods are scientifically proved to enhance your inner chi powers. It’s much like bodybuilding but for that, you can enhance the physical body, and by this mental bodybuilding you’ll be able to enhance your mental strengths. The methods are not witchcrafts or some sort of sorcery, many believe they are, but truly they are more of a scientific prospect rather than any magical state.

The methods are not witchcrafts or some sort of sorcery, many believe they are, but truly they are more of a scientific prospect rather than any magical state.

Though this has nothing to do with martial arts, though some techniques may look similar to them, they are the basic form of gathering strength at a specific point. This will increase your internal muscles and increase the overall strength and endurance.

Just like athletes or bodybuilders who curve up their muscles Chi Power Plus will help you curve up your true chi power lying within. The study of different cultures and societies has revealed the true potential of chi power.

They all have their special techniques which seem to differ from culture to culture. So, with all the vast training system the program is an overall package of advances.

The Enjoy Qigong

The Enjoy Qigong

The Qigong Secrets, 22 Week Home Study Course is not available at Amazon, eBay or anywhere else. You can only get it here. Most people will never know that they can learn how to be healthy, happy and full of vitality and that it is no more difficult than learning how to brush your teeth. Don’t miss out on this opportunity, to practice one of the worlds most powerful health defence arts.

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Chi Power Plus and The Enjoy Qigong - Review

Chi Power Plus and The Enjoy Qigong - Review

Chi Power Plus Review

Unleashing the Chi power is any man’s dream. Who wouldn’t want to unlock doors to unlimited power and strength? So, if you really have an option to unlock it, you would definitely go for it, right? I know that I would.

For a long time people from across the world have tried out various methods to unlock it but only a few have succeeded.

Chi Power Plus Review

Even some people think that it’s a myth but nothing else than this. As it’s the most difficult to develop or even unleash. You have to get a full knowledge of the techniques and methods along with your physical form to get ahold of your soul.

Normally it takes a person almost 20 years to master all the tactics of developing the Chi energy within. And for some, they can’t even manage that.

And there are many programs that will charge you tens of thousands of money for this. But you know what you can still learn and get ahold of your true strength at a low price. Yes and that’s why I’ll give this review of Chi Power Plus.

Chi Power Plus is a great product when it comes to getting into the closed door to the path of sacred holy strength and power. And with this, you can achieve that in just 10 days or even less. What? You think that it is a scam? At first, I thought it too. But believe me when I was proved wrong.

It will help you reveal your true strength in just 10 days. So, stay tuned if you want to more about this unbelievable product.

How does it work?

Can you ever imagine a situation where your inner strength will be similar to the outer strength of the strongest man on earth? You might think it just isn’t possible, right? Well, think again, Chi Power Plus will always deliver what it claims.

Though you can always read the manuals from anywhere, can they deliver the output as it can? No. The program utilizes the whole techniques into step by step process that will ensure the maximum output of any desire.

Chi Power Plus Work

The author will show you just how to use the techniques in audio and video file to more illustrate the concept. The book is also very easy to read, and the methods are pretty simple to follow. And this makes it different from any other programs.

The programs main focus is to increase the chi power at any cost. And its primary test will surely help you achieve what you desired the most. The identities of the trainees are always kept discreet, and for this unusual training system, it is different than the other programs.

What will you learn?

Once you buy the product, you get to learn so many things including:

1. Chi Breathing
You will learn the most powerful breathing techniques that will help in maximizing your power. There are three different techniques for that.

2. Organ Balancing
The organ balancing will help you feel the change in your body. This method is the most powerful one.

3. Lying Down Meditation
You will learn the true value and methods of meditation. Meditation is a sacred way to get ahold of your inner self. And by this, you can relax anywhere anytime.

Third Eye

4. The Third Eye
It is said that we all have the third eye. If we could open it, we would unleash unlimited power. So, by using the product, you will learn how to do so.

5. Control Animals with Chi
Yes, you will be able to control animals with your chi too! This one is the coolest one. Your chi energy will literary help them calm down, or you can even attract them.

6. Move Objects with Chi
This might take a while to learn, but you’ll eventually be able to move objects with your chi power. Now you can amaze your friends and family.

7. Gain Speed Faster Than a Cat
You will be able to increase your strength and agility and gain a new kind of velocity in any field.

8. Controlling Time
They say it takes a great mind to achieve this one. But once you will you can control time according to your benefits anytime.

9. Select Breaking
You can focus your chi power and break things according to your desire. You just have to direct all your powers into that object making it vulnerable, and it will break.

10. Put Out a Candle with Your Eyes Only
You can even put out candles just with your eyes! Amazing right? And you will learn to do this just using an ancient technique. Mastering this technique will help you overcome all your problems.

What do you get in the package?

1. The Chi Power Plus Blueprint
This one is the main book for the enhancement of chi power. There are numerous positive reviews about this one. Many people have highly benefited just by reading this book. It will tell you the step by step course you need to follow.

2. Chi Power Poster of the Internal Organs
It’s a printable poster that comes in the package.

3. Reference Sheets
Here, you will have reference sheets that will give you info about many special topics such as Getting Started with Chi Power Training Booklet, Blood Washing Instruction, Bone Marrow Energy Packing, Sample Chi Power Training Workout, and Standing Meditation Instruction. These will guide you through the whole process described in the main book.

4. Audio files
Original Instruction: In here, you will have the instructions in an audio file to help you learn it a better way.
Getting Started: These audio clips are for beginners, and it will help them to get things started.
Advanced Material: These are bonus clips that will tell you about martial arts and their advantages.

Bonuses and special bonuses

You will have videos as a bonus with the package. They include:
  • Overview of Chi Power Plus: This one will enhance or get rid of any questions related to chi plus book.
  • Standing Meditation and Emitting Strong Chi: This will teach you how you can meditate even in a standing position.
  • Lying Down Meditation: This video will mostly cover the techniques of lying down meditation and how you can achieve it fast.
  • Your Journey into Chi is Just Starting: This one covers the journey to your inner chi concept making it more exciting for you.

Special Bonuses

2 Hours of Additional Training Concepts
They say it’s worth a fortune. And so, they have gathered up their frequently asked questions and will give you all the answers you need. The answers are 23 questions in total. This bonus is 2 hours long kind of like having a chat with real life mentor. All the questions are in different mp3 files, and you’ll have direct access to them right after you buy one.

Chi Power Seminar
This bonus was added just a few days ago. It consists of the entire seminar related to chi power. It is in an audio file which will help you listen to it anywhere.


By the end, I’ll say Chi Power Plus can be the one and only true product that will help you through the whole unlocking process of your chi power. The program offers many platforms such as PDF along with mp3 and mp4 files to help you get the knowledge altogether.

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The Enjoy Qigong Review

Enjoy Qigong

All about Enjoy Qigong is full text format. However, we will provide a separate assessment.

About the author

About the author of Enjoy Qigong

I have seen many articles on his http://ezinearticles.com. The purpose of the article is to push the customer to the sales page. The article is not intended to serve the reader.
Moreover, many small websites also appear to represent this, still the purpose of selling.

Read articles that show: The author knows a lot about qigong, but does not share with his readers.
It can be said that the author is a researcher Qigong.

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Final conclusion

Chi Power Plus

Bold nature of practice.
Rank: 8.5 / 10

Enjoy Qigong

Bold theoretical and cultural diversity of the Orient. The author is always researching for novelty
Rank: 7.5 / 10

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