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Is America Mystery Babylon according to the Bible? Bible Conference footage included!

First, let me say that you have been a blessing over the last several years as I have watched and studied and enjoyed your many videos and books. I consider myself a "member" of your channel, and share much of the content this channel provides, especially as senior pastor of a small congregation in Suffolk, Virginia. Additionally, I am currently a DMin candidate at Providence Bible College and Theological Seminary in 2023. As such, I have chosen as my dissertation proposal a research project that focuses on church leadership knowledge and discernment as to the identity, character and nature of Mystery Babylon. The project will include surveying church leadership as to their understanding the identity, nature, and character of Mystery Babylon, and their perceived importance in studying and sharing their understanding of same with their congregations and peers. In doing so, I hope to establish a base line of understanding among church leadership, as well as identifying their end times beliefs. Although I am pre-millennial, pre-wrath in my eschatology, and share generally most of the beliefs you share regularly on this channel, my research project survey participants will likely include other eschatological viewpoints. 

As I agree with much of the suppositions concerning Mystery Babylon as you and your channel proposes, I would very much appreciate having a closer relationship with you and those in your leadership council. In fact, although I am just beginning my dissertation process, I can envision using many of your books, videos and teachings as foundational and substantive material in my final dissertation.  I would be honored if you would allow me have a closer relationship with you and when necessary, permit me to share information, resources and references that would be required to properly give credit to source material used in my project. Additionally, if there were areas of research that you or your leadership group might have need and that I might be in a position to provide, I would welcome the opportunity. I will also be reaching out to Joel Richardson with a similar message, as he also is someone I greatly respect and whose biblical teaching I follow closely. Mystery Babylon, as well as some of his scholarly writings, are important contributions to the Body of Christ's understanding of Mystery Babylon, as well are yours. Thank you once again for all your effort and contributions to myself and to the Church, and I look forward to a closer relationship in the months ahead. 

Is America Mystery Babylon according to the Bible
Is America Mystery Babylon according to the Bible? Does it match all the clues given us in Rev 17 and Rev 18 or just some of them? To find out how the USA fits into what the Bible says about Mystery Babylon, watch this Nelson Walters video to see if America is the harlot or at least influences the harlot.

Please pray for me I’m struggling to provide for myself and my children. I believe in Jesus Christ with all my heart and soul. God gives us strength to endure, it’s because of him I have endured. I’m a single mother with two beautiful autistic children. My husband passed away years ago. I lost my job over declining the vaccine. I declined due to my pre existing health conditions lupus and heart disease. I’ve been struggling to provide for myself and my children since losing my job from Forsyth hospital. But God has given me strength. Strength to keep obeying and serving even when I feel tired and overwhelmed and like I can’t go on. Every month is a battle to not end up homeless on the streets with my two children. Even as I face homelessness. I have faith God will provide. Though at times I’m mocked and harassed by others for my circumstances and choice.  But I will keep Faith. Please pray for me and my children. I have faith God will provide.

Video: Is America Mystery Babylon according to the Bible? Bible Conference footage included!

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