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Radiant Energy used as a source of power

Apparently radiant energy exists. We cannot determine clearly how many people are using radiant energy. So what is radiant energy? And do they work?

Here, I am convinced that people are looking for Tesla's radiant energy. In addition, other definitions of radiant energy consider electromagnetic energy or gravity. Here is my testimony:
In physics, and in particular as measured by radiometry, radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic and gravitational radiation.
As energy, its SI unit is the joule (J). The quantity of radiant energy may be calculated by integrating radiant flux (or power) with respect to time. The symbol Qe
is often used throughout literature to denote radiant energy ("e" for "energetic", to avoid confusion with photometric quantities). In branches of physics other than radiometry, electromagnetic energy is referred to using E or W. The term is used particularly when electromagnetic radiation is emitted by a source into the surrounding environment. This radiation may be visible or invisible to the human eye. - by Radiant energy - Wikipedia
There are no quotes about Nikola Tesla there! And that is also the reason that we have not used radiation energy as an energy source.

Radiant Energy used as a source of power

Sources of radiant energy from electromagnetic waves including radio waves, sunlight will be very weak. Some devices gain energy from radio waves an electrical energy to charge the battery is negligible. The story is over. Because the law of conservation of energy, it will not be possible to create more.

But, Tesla's radiant energy is different. A pile of documents that the FBI confiscated after Tesla died, including 2 document cars. Currently, people still decode Tesla documents. But unfortunately not a genius doing it? No one knows who is deciphering the documents confiscated from Tesla.
Some talented engineers, they have deciphered the materials available, made public on the Internet, and they have created radiant energy generators. Some YouTube demonstration videos may be fake, but they may also be real. But the real videos are deleted. It is suppressing free energy. Conspiracy theories? Is not! If it was a meaningless conspiracy theory, it would have only one theory!

What is Tesla's radiant energy? Understanding it, we have 50% success. In fact, it is the Ether energy. whose manifestations may be in the form of plasma. But mostly elastic of dielectric tension in Ether. To learn more, please visit the Radiant Energy Blog: radiant-electricity.blogspot.com
Radiant energy works well? It completely works! As for the engineers, they all admit it works well. And, even theoretically, it works. Otherwise, Tesla would not have a patent for radiant energy.

Learn more: Amplify Electricity for Free Energy

Radiant Energy used as a source of power:
Practical guide
✰* Revealed At LastAncient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
  • Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats
  • Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
  • Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
  • Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity 
  • And many other plans for Free Energy.

      Related: "Endless Light" Dr. Thomas Henry Moray

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