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What is the best renewable energy source?

What is the best renewable energy source?

The question of the potential of renewable energy can be answered in three ways. There is theoretical, technical and economic potential of solar, wind and water.

The theoretical potential of renewable energy sources is generally very large. This is especially true of the sun. Their energy output is 2850 times greater than the world's total energy demand. EREC, the EU's Renewable Energy Council, calculated this in a 2010 study. By comparison, hydropower only generates the power of world energy demand once.
Which energy source will have the most potential in the future depends on the development of technology. Today, the solar module has a 24 percent efficiency. That means they convert 24 percent of the processed solar energy into electricity. However, major European and Chinese manufacturers are making efforts to increase this efficiency in the coming years. The Fraunhofer ISE Solar Institute has managed to set a new world record in the lab with an efficiency of 44.7%. Learn more: State Now Claims It Owns The Wind — Taxing Renewable Energy ‘Out Of Existence’

Although the potential of solar power depends on the performance of the modules, it is the tower and propeller technology in wind power. So manufacturers use taller towers and longer propellers. This means they can produce significantly more electricity than the previous ones - according to the motto: the taller the tower and the longer the propeller, the greater the electrical capacity.
Hydroelectricity also has a lot of potential. Today's special marine power plants contribute only 0.01% to global electricity production from renewable energy sources. However, many new technologies for marine power plants must still be developed to be market-ready.
In Germany, the potential of solar, wind and hydro power is limited by other factors. For example, large windmills regulate how far they are from the nearest building. These minimum gaps strictly limit the area where wind turbines can be built in Germany. The Federal Wind Energy Association considers about two percent of the country's area to be realistic. This results in a total computing power of nearly 200 gigawatts.

The use of seawater for energy production is limited in Germany. Because, for example, in mudflats between the mainland and the North Sea islands, there are high environmental protection requirements. This has meant that offshore wind farms can only be built off the German coast.
In Germany, the wind industry is at the forefront of electricity production. Wind turbines provided 9.5% of total electricity consumption in the first nine months of this year. At 6.8 percent, solar only ranks third after biomass electricity. But in a few hours, the sun reached a new record. According to the Agora Energiewende, it provides more than a third of the electricity consumed in Germany.

Related: New Green Record: 74% Of Germany’s Power Needs Came From Renewable Energy
The future potential of renewable energy also depends on general economic conditions. Funding of wind and especially solar energy has decreased significantly in recent years. This forces manufacturers to reduce production costs accordingly, to operate the systems of economic value. Learn more: Types of Renewable Energy For DIY Projects

Solar - is the best type of renewable energy?

The sun, the energy source of our planet, is by far the most important energy source. Starting with photosynthesis and climate, life on Earth would not have been possible without them. It gives us oxygen and food through the plants. Their warmth heats up the surface of our planet and controls the currents and winds, essential for our stable climate. The energy of the sun, absorbed by the earth's surface, will be sufficient to meet the worldwide energy needs tens of thousands of times.

The creation of solar energy is based on two pillars. One is a simple water heating system with a solar heat system, for example on a private roof or solar farm. Hot water is used to heat domestic water. Electricity is generated by bundling solar rays in solar thermal power plants, which include complex mirror systems. They heat a central adsorbent and generate electrical energy with the help of heat transfer medium and steam turbine. The second is the electrochemical conversion of radiation into electricity. Solar cells capture radiation and semiconductor technology transforms it into electricity. These systems are often found on large roof areas, such as apartment buildings or industrial plants, as well as in fields. Basically, solar energy is available everywhere. Unfortunately, however, it is also subject to daily and seasonal fluctuations.

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In our latitudes, the solar system rarely has an optimal effect. No energy is generated at night when the sun is not shining. If the system is dirty, covered with snow or the angle of incidence is too steep or too flat, this reduces productivity. Building control and storage systems are needed for solar power from solar cells. 

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