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Zero Points Energy and obstacles for growth

There are two main reasons why we haven't gone into zero point energy mining yet:
  1. The electrical industry has dominated science since the era of Nikola Tesla.
  2. By ourselves

Ether theory and zero point energy

Ether, it's just a name in science. Every science school talks about Ether. Quantum physics and relativity say that Ether is meaningless. But quantum physics itself and the theory of relativity are not enough.
Tesla's Ether doctrine is the way to create "free energy". In fact, there is no free energy, but energy is circulated in the universe. The law of conservation of energy is not violated when exploiting zero point energy.
Why not violate the issue of energy conservation? See the answer here: The Problem of Harnessing Zero Point Energy - where does the Energy come from?
"Power monopoly" has dominated the Ether doctrine. While Tesla has a different way of talking about Ether than quantum physics and Einstein's theory of relativity, Tesla's works are buried.
"Power monopoly" has dominated the Ether doctrine. While Tesla has a different way of talking about Ether than quantum physics and Einstein's theory of relativity, Tesla's works are buried.
See also: Who discovered Zero Point Energy?

We and the elite are the perfect combination

High school physics books that mention Tesla are unclear, or very rarely mention Tesla. This is the consequence of the upper class that governs the lower class. Science was dominated by the upper class. In fact, Tesla has contributed too much to science, and the technologies of the 21st century bear his mark.
If we are not awakened, we are controlled by the elite - perfect coordination. A lot of people use knowledge in high school, and say that exploiting zero energy is impossible, because it violates the law of conservation of energy. And the full stop here. The educational program serves the political regime, which is the explanation for the "end" of zero point energy equipment.

Is a zero point energy extraction device real?

According to an article evaluating free energy, there are currently a number of scientists working in the electrical industry. In the beginning, they eloquently stated that zero point energy extraction was possible. Then, about a while, they were supposed to be scams. No one is the "defense lawyer" that helps these scientists. The strange thing is that.
As far as I know, zero point energy mining equipment is real. However, it is only performing at a certain level. In the exploitation of electric power, the point energy exploitation efficiency is not often denoted as COP. In case of COP> 1, the exploitation is considered successful.
Here are two posts to help you see that:

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