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This is it! The Natural Cure for Arthritis and Osteoporosis

Did you know that there is a direct correlation between the incidence of arthritis and the presence of trace mineral boron in the body? 

Research regarding the trace mineral boron and its connection to arthritis is finally starting to see the light of day!

In a startling discovery, research conducted by Prof. Roger Wyburn-Mason (MD, PhD) identified an amoebae that parasitizes (infests) the joints of those people with rheumatoid arthritis.

The Natural Cure for Arthritis and Osteoporosis

“In 1975, at the IXth International Chemotherapy Congress in London, England, the late (1983) Roger Wybum-Mason (M.D., M.R.C.P., B. Chir., M.A., Ph.D.) astounded the medical world, announcing that he had found a new protozoon as the cause of Rheumatoid Disease.”
Continuing with Prof. Wyburn-Mason’s work was Dr. Rex E. Newnham (PhD, DO and ND), an osteopathic doctor and naturopath, and author of “Beating Arthritis and Beating Osteoporosis”. 

What he found was amazing…

Boron killed the amoebae that Prof. Wyburn-Mason had identified!

Dr. Newnham also found quite a bit of evidence relating the correlation of boron concentration in certain geographical areas and the development of not just rheumatoid arthritis, but common arthritis as well. 

He found that in certain areas of Australia, where drinking water contained high levels of boron, there were no incidence of arthritis in humans and animals!

Incidence of Arthritis Depended Upon Boron

Interestingly, the correlation between arthritis and boron was found in other areas as well.

  • Dr. Newnham found that in Israel, where boron is in high concentration in the soil, the incidence of arthritis was as low as 1-7%.
  • Compared to the U.S., New Zealand and other parts of Australia where the concentration of boron is moderate, the incidence of arthritis is higher; 20-40%.
  • In contrast, areas such as Jamaica where boron levels are extremely small, the incidence of arthritis is very high, reaching upwards to 70%.

In conclusion, worldwide evidence is now starting to link low intake of boron with increased levels of arthritis — proof that arthritis is a symptom of nutritional deficiencies and not simply a “normal” process of aging, as the medical industry would have us believe.

Now isn’t that interesting?!

With millions of people suffering from arthritis in the United States alone, maybe it’s time to start giving the trace mineral boron some attention, instead of just symptom-suppressing pharmaceuticals.

Foods high in boron include: almondswalnuts, avocados, broccoli, potatoes, pears, pruneshoney, oranges, onions, chick peas, carrots, beans, bananas, red grapes, red apples and raisins.

Solution for arthritis: Cure Arthritis Naturally

By Dr. Michelle Kmiec, Wake Up World;

Learn more: How a TENS unit can Help with Arthritis Pain

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